by Dorothy Frisch My process for setting “Come, All True-Hearted Southern Boys” is a method that I learned from Alice Parker. I allow the words to create the tune and the tune to create its own setting. I cooperate with the process, with the work itself as it...
by Dorothy Frisch It was indeed an interesting challenge to set poetry by a Confederate soldier to music. The main challenge was to enter into the mindset of the author, Sergeant Charles Miller, a man who believed in a cause I personally would not support. A man,...
Dorothy VanAndel Frisch is a New England composer, organist and pianist. She holds a B.A. with a concentration in organ performance from Calvin College and a M.M. degree from the University of Akron. Her composition awards include a medallion in the 2010-2011 Sorel...
2012 Classical Concerto, by Keane Southard In 2012, Sounds of Stow commissioned a piano concerto by Massachusetts-raised talented young composer, Keane Southard. Classical Concerto was well-received by the audience and was played with verve and humor by the composer...